

Less than a week away. Gift-shopping, hm..70% done? Wrapping=0%. Lol. Christmas cards and whatnot=0%. At least the Christmas tree is up and about today. My family reached a unanimous agreement that the tree has growing capabilities and has turned into a giant after being incarcerated in the storeroom for so long. Moral of the lesson= put Christmas tree up every year.

What can I say about Christmas? Lots of invitations, lots of celebrations, lots of places to hop around to for plenty of feasting and merrymaking. So many people to see, so many things to gush about, so many things to do. I honestly have no idea how the day's schedule would be like. All I know is it's going to be packed tighter than Santa's sleigh and before you know it it'll be midnight and end of Christmas hello Boxing Day.

Let's not dwell on sad sorry thoughts. It's all meant very well, and it's suppose to be a day of great joy and good tidings. Maybe not my idea of great joy and good tidings but it's the idea of many supposedly lovely people who love the day as much as I did. Maybe I'm just too selfish on a day when giving is better than receiving. I should just suck it up and have fun with it the best I can. Yeah. That's what I should do.

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